I’m feeling extremely guilty about putting in my 2 weeks with the company I currently work for and here is why.
I’ve been with this company for 4 years now and it’s only been the pharmacist and myself for the past four years. Some reasons I want to leave are because I do not get offered health insurance, I am no longer getting my full 40hr per week as promised when I first started and have yet to get one raise in 4 years!
I left the job briefly last year for some personal issues but was able to come back. Now, once I came back, I thought it would be different and I would have more help and I would more grateful that I got a second chance with the company who paid okay. I was completely wrong I felt just as stressed and overwhelmed as before.
The tech who replaced me when I left ended up quitting after only two weeks of being employed by the company. It's been a year and no other help has been hired and nothing has changed so I started to look elsewhere and I got hired off a phone interview with a huge company who offers insurance my full 40 hrs a week and way more money.
I accepted the offer but I feel guilty since the company I'm employed with will be left with no tech. How should I tell my boss?