A few years back I found I was struggling mentally in work with various issues, one of which was being around people all day (my issue and I accept that). Having been with the company a very long time I was able to ask to start a few hours earlier than everyone else which also meant I took my lunch at a different time. I was only around others for 1/2 my working day, and it also meant I had more of the "day" to spend at home which has made me a happier person (my work people are not bad people, it's me and too much to explain here). My work is not aware that one of the main reasons for changing was to avoid people... clearly not in my best interests to say.
Once I changed hours, I became aware that some people are coming in earlier than normal. Generally, that doesn't affect me as they work on the other side of the office, but one works in the desk across from me. When I started the new hours these people came in only about 30 minutes at most before a shift, so I didn't really care. I come in around 15 minutes early myself... but over the years I noticed that two individuals have started to come in earlier and earlier to the point they both coming in about 90 minutes early. I casually checked with both of their managers what hours they work (as I know some people in the workplace do extra hours and their boss never knows). Both managers were quite surprised and the upshot was neither employee wanted to alter hours, one even said they didn't want to leave early as people would think they were "part-time".
To add to this, the one opposite me doesn't take lunch, so it has scuppered my plans really.
I am aware it's up to the individual what they do and it's really none of my business what they do with their spare time, but my question is if there are any subtle ways I can perhaps convince them to not come in early or not have a lunch? I have tried saying, "oh you're keen today" or such joking remarks, but it's made no difference. I accept it's just how it is and I know it's not a big issue really, but it makes me feel a bit deflated when they come in not long after me. I wondered what to do; as mentioned, I spoke to their line managers and joked about it with them. What more things could I try?