Let's start with the context: I am working in the company which is a child/daughter company to a bigger company. I had a formal complaint raised against me by my co-worker. Grievance investigation has been started and it's being handled by the mother/parent company as it appears my "child" company doesn't have proper HR. All HR related things are handled by HR which is located in different office and usually we sort formalities via email (parental leave and ect.).
The employee who raised formal complaint about me firstly tried to do it in our child company via Head of People who later redirected him to parental companies HR. Sadly that didn't stop there.
Now Head of people in child company is openly speaking about the raised grievance with people who are not really related to a case such as: my other co-workers or other employees whos positions are absolutely unrelated. On top of that child companies leadership is also aware about grievance and there was a case where our Chief Marketing Officer said a sentence like this publicly: "We know that there are people within the company who shouldn't be there, but dealing with them is a slow process because it has to be fair".
I am also aware of few cases where the person who raised a grievance did talk about it to other co-workers passing his allegations and the information about the case to them.
At this point almost everyone in child company is aware about the grievance. People who don't know me and haven't worked with me look at me as a monster, it got so bad, so out of hand that I stopped coming to office and started working from home. Which was agreed with my line manager who knows the situation.
I had my interview in grievance investigation with a representative of parental companies assigned investigator just now (after months waiting). I was assured that everything should be absolutely confidential and that this is a case of confidentiality breach in my child company, investigator said sorry to me and promised to make sure to raise it along the original grievance.
Anyone been in similar situation? What steps should I do in this situation if any, regarding the confidentiality breach? Is there any law related people here who could provide their point of view of whole situation?
Sorry for my grammar and any mistakes I made - English is not my mother tongue. Thanks
EDIT: Country is United Kingdom and if it helps, my current position is a Senior Software Engineer.