I work in a mature company and I am the youngest/newest one. The team was stable until recent lay offs.
I don't know if it was the lay offs, or me not being "a new guy" anymore, but recently I have noticed a pattern/behavior from an expert coworker that is annoying me a little bit. The behavior is that whenever I get tasked or assigned a job and I need/seek help from them, I no longer own the work done.
For example, we have an issue tracker and it shows what each job is and who is working on it or done it. Then, if someone from a different department or team has a question regarding a matter, they would look up the person assigned and consider him the "reference" and the "go to" guy for any questions.
Recently, whenever someone approaches me during or after a meeting, or during the day in general, regarding a job that I am working on or done in the past, the teammate that helped me at some point with the task, races me to answer the questions, and will "steal the show" (or ownership). Some of the times when people came to my cube, the teammate heard them and came and stood with us then started answering the questions, and finally "walked" with the person in question away from my desk while still talking about the work.
I am still playing it cool and showing professionalism as I would like a cross-functional environment where everyone knows about everything. But the pattern now is becoming like taking away ownership of the work from me then I am no longer known as the "go to" guy for the issue. This is happening a job after a job.
I don't want a toxic environment where teammates don't seek help from each other, I also don't want to affect my performance by deciding to do it my self instead of asking Qs. So how do I go around this? I guess the question is how to do the work and share the knowledge but protect my ownership?