TL;DR You do not agree or disagree, you fulfill your obligation of informing about the potential problems. Providing the solution is secondary and even optional (it is ok to point out a problem that you do not know how can be solved). The tone is that you do not want to take the decisions, you want to help by informing those who take the decisions.
Avoid the "I will do because you insist" part. It sounds vindicative and gives the impression that, since you do not agree with the proposed solution, you are not on board with the project and will do the bare minimum.
Also, it is kind of redundant: if you are not the people who has to decide then your role is to accept the decision.
Just raise your objections for consideration, mainly by explaining the potential problems you see, not the solution that you would use. This allows the decision makers to gauge what is actually at stake; centering on your proposal could look like as an imposition. Make your statements opinions or even questions: no "This algorithm will be too slow" but "I think this algorithm will be too slow" or even "Aren't you worried that this algorith could be too slow?".
Avoid being judgemental about the current solution (no "it is bad/obsolete/wrong") and the people who designed it (no "I think he has hidden motives") to avoid conflict in a situation where you can only give advice.
Do a comprehensive list of all the issues that you can see and deliver it all together: complaining about one issue now and another two months later and another three months later would make it look as if you are just trying to stop the progress of the project or trying to find excuses to justify your failure. Of course some issues can only be discovered when you already have done some work on the project, but try to keep that to a minimum.
And last but not least, be conscious of the circumstances of the project. At the start of the project it is relatively easy to change it to address problems, criticisms at the end of the project when it is very difficult to change are probably less useful and could sound as excuses if the project has run into difficulties