I work for a company that does marketing. They send me around to different stores to give out samples of products. This particular company has been unfair and dishonest in the past. I have reduced my time spent with them to only once a week.
I was on a social media group and someone had posted about the same company. She said she was having trouble getting paid. I replied that they had been very dishonest in my experience. My manager saw my post and texted me saying she had reported me to HR for it and wont be assigning any more shifts. I shouldn't have done this but I put a screen shot of this text on the group (without any personal information) and she replied by putting screen shots of my text messages she interpreted as rude* and saying there have been multiple sexual harassment claims made about me.
First off, I'm only aware of one incident that could even remotely be considered "sexual harassment". I was never really given the details regarding it. It seemed to have blown over.
Second, I made a public criticism against a company. My manager responded by making a criticism about me personally. Let alone sexual harassment is a serious accusation.
As it is now I only have one more scheduled shift but I would really like to work it. I really like the job, just not management or the politics. How should I proceed? I've got most of this documented. I took a screen shot of my managers social media post but forgot to take a screen shot of my own. I have already deleted my post and her replies to it, I didn't want it to escalate into anything further.
Option 1) Have a calm conversation with my manager and say I would be disposed to work my scheduled shift and then resign. Option 2) report her to HR for saying I have sexual harassment allegations with the company. Also play hardball and say I need two weeks notice to be fired.
I would also like to know if there were any "sexual harassment claims" made about me and their details. I certainly do not believe I was or intended to "sexually harass" anyone.
(*she posted a text message of me telling her that she is not my manager and I didn't think it was appropriate for her to be telling me what to do. This did happen because management changed and when she had initially introduced herself to me she said she was just helping out, and I didn't know she became the manager)
This is a large company which makes heavy use of it's social media presence and surprisingly many people assume they are ethical.
Added: I have no need or desire to use this company as a reference or continue working for them past one more shift.
Something that seems suspicious to me, a few days ago my manager and her manager contacted me about a report I needed to urgently complete. It didn't make sense to me and I said I already did this. They then simply ignored me and wouldn't respond to any of my communications asking if it was resolved.