I joined the mid-sized IT (500-1000 employees) company located in Stockholm, Sweden over a year ago. When the yearly salary reviews happened earlier this year I was missed (because supposedly there is a rule that you need to work at least 9 months to be eligible for a salary review, and I only had 8 months) and my salary is still at the level from mid-2018. The next salary review is scheduled for Q2 of 2020 and I don't want to wait that long for a raise (or at the very least adjustment related to the inflation in Sweden).
There is no mention about the salary reviews in my contract nor was I informed about this during the recruitment process.
Living and working here for almost 4 years now, I understand that yearly salary-reviews are extremely common and very often the only way to receive a raise.
I like my manager, my team and we have quite healthy atmosphere and relations in the office.
Would formally asking for a raise be very much out of line or in a bad taste? Could doing it somehow damage my relations with the manager or higher-management?