A few months ago I got fired from 2 jobs back to back after couple of weeks. It was quite brutal they said I am not up to standards. I think it was partly true. I was complacent at work. I made a lot of mistakes. Then I started applying everywhere including places where I had no interest in taking jobs. The companies are all internationally known and well respected, loved, non-money driven, with amazing tech. It's absolutely proud honour to be working for them. And work is really amazing it's an absolute honour to serve their customers.
Unfortunately my circumstances means I can't really relocate to those places. I knew that during interviews. I took each one so seriously because I want to practice my skills, I did technical/competencies. I really gave them all I got knowing I wouldn't be able to accept. Part of me wish I didn't get accepted. But, now they are coming my way and I have multiple offers. When they call you ask about OK so can you relocate etc. I am so like yes that's not a problem. I can relocate I can take care of everything. Because of my partner I can't for next 2 years.
I am absolutely freaking out right now. Because when my circumstances changes I want to apply to those places again. I have zero idea how to go about turning them down. What I did was wrong and telling them the things about my circumstances. I need some good excuse and not destroy my future chances.