Our company is conducting a survey on the employees' opinion of going back to work after two months of work from home due to COVID-19.
The survey is done via a third-party, but it was stressed at multiple occasions that this survey is not anonymous and the data will be shared on a "need-to-know" basis (no specifics given), but the answers won't go into anyone's employee file.
The questions don't ask for personal situations or medical conditions, but the possible answers nevertheless allow anyone who gets their hands on them to deduce certain political stances and opinions, which, given the current political climate, I'd like to avoid at all costs. Partly because our company itself makes heavy political statements (on the other side), but mostly because I do not wish that managers make mental notes of what people say in this survey, which could come back and bite me years down the track. (They might do that silently and inadvertently, in which case I would have very little recourse.)
The company has stressed that 100% participation is desired, although they haven't stated that filling out the survey is mandatory. There will undoubtedly be more or less gentle nudges, pushes and eventually questions both from the company as well as from managers if individuals haven't filled out the survey. What can I give as an answer in this scenario to anyone asking why I haven't filled out the survery if I do not wish to do so without coming across as uncooperative? The aim is to make no statement about any of the survey questions at all, but not answering the survey could inadvertently do exactly that: Give away an opinion that I'd like to keep for myself. So the intent of the answer should be to come across as neutral as possible.
Edit: Thanks for all the answers. Having to choose between voicing my true opinion, telling them what they want to hear and remaining silent, I have decided to sit this one out in a passive manner. If this comes back to me, then so be it.