Due to lockdown, I was given desktop to work from home. One day I thought of cleaning desktop table and monitor as well. I kept my monitor on a box and started cleaning the table. I was keeping all the things on floor which are on table. Accidentally, I moved back and the box on which I kept desktop moved slightly and monitor has fallen on the object placed in front of it.
Immediately I didn't see any cracks on my screen. It was all good. But when I tried to login into it I see some rainbow lines and few cracks on screen. I am scared to address this issue to my manager and also I'm afraid that, am I responsible to pay for the replacement. I asked one of my friend , who works in hardware department ( not my company IT person, some outsider) he told me it costs around ₹7k to ₹8k ($100USD) for screen replacement and I cannot afford that much as i'm the only person earning in my family.Please suggest how i should address this issue to my manager.