Daily we have to fill timesheets and details on the project/task we have worked on upto hour level. Somedays I don't have any task that have been assigned to me. I have asked to my manager to assign task and he said ok he will do it. But it sometimes takes hours or he assigns the task next day or tells someone else to assign me task which makes it harder to write on the timesheets that I have worked on since obviously I didn't work on anything and I don't wanna lie. I try to attend internal trainings or do some trivial tasks but I get bored and it's creating problem for me as I am on probation and there will be performance review after 6 months of which 4 months have been passed already.
I am BA at IT MNC in India and I don't wanna lose this job atleast not in current times. Any help on what I could/should do to make it so I don't look like I am slacking would be helpful and appreciated. Or this is normal and I should take it lightly?
As far as previous task are concerned I've been completing that on time so there is no such issue of incompetency from my side.