My contract is coming to an end in <1 month (26th of June is my final day) as a result of matters unrelated to this question. I am now interviewing for a new job, with 2 interviews for different positions lined up for next week. I live and work in the Netherlands.
I visited a doctor earlier this week for some health complaints I have had for about a month now. After ruling some things out, I have been told this morning to make an appointment in the hospital as they fear that it could be a form of cancer (something my father had when he was roughly my age). At this point in time I do not know for sure if it is cancer, or what the origin of my issue is, at all.
I like to be open and forthcoming with people I work with, including mangers, HR, etc. In light of this, I would like to be honest about my health during interviews. However, I can see a possible employer choosing not to hire me due to a possible risk that I will develop a condition that will cost them money right from the get go. If they would ask outright I wouldn't lie about it, even if asking that is uncommon and illegal. But would it be a good idea to volunteer this information during a job interview? Or is it wiser to wait until I have more knowledge?
I am wondering to bring this up myself as part of being open and honest. This would also possibly reduce the chance of them finding out I (possibly) knew during interviews and didn't tell them, putting me in a bad light.