Do you have an advice on how I should prepare myself to suit the position?
Pick a back-end language and database and start learning from tutorials and blogs. Find some open source projects to contribute to.
Not sure what language you've done, but some back-end technologied may be easier to pick up depending - for example, experience with javascript would lend itself to working with node. Other language experience may point to PHP - if you do this, maybe pickup Symfony or Laravel as a framework - they're both in strong demand and pay well.
Do you think I have to resort to restart my career from an entry-level position?
Probably not a complete restart, especially if you can create or contribute to a couple of projects. You've already got some developer experience and skills. But you might have to take a short step back, first. It's not a great time right now, but if you can get to meetups and start networking, you might have an easier time than applying for positions.
A back-end developer who has some experience in the front-end is highly desirable for employers, even if you're going into a role that is 100% back-end.