I would have a parental leave (Elternzeit) for 3 months starting soon (already announced to the company so all fine from this side).
Now, however, my company asked me if I instead of the parental leave could rather go into short-time work (Kurzarbeit) (see also here) at 100%, meaning I would also work 0 hours.
I'm quite confused about the laws behind both actually but at first glance it seams like a good deal for us (at least as far I understood so far):
In parental leave I would get 2 months parental money (Elterngeld) (my wife gets the other 12 months) which is about 60% of my income of the last 12 months. On the other hand in short-time work with the a child (which will soon be there) I would get 67% for all 3 months which is of course more money in the end. In both options I would have 100% time for my wife and child at home.
However, I'm a bit skeptical.
Can someone who is into this subject spread some light? Is this even possible and are there any possible hidden (or even obvious) drawbacks?