So, gist of the problem: working with manager that can't listen! Literally! During the meeting whenever more junior personnel is asked to provide updates or is talking about some issue , somewhere midway of the statement he would interrupt not letting that person to finish. Another problem (somewhat similar): all meetings now are "virtual" , so during the most recent one while one gentleman was explaining something, he (manager) would start repeat after him, sort of echoing! One important note: such "interruptive" behavior happens regardless of whether the statement was 1-2 sentence of the " whole speech". Originally it was happening to me as well, however, after few "talking over" (as i had no other choice) he stopped doing it to me, but continue to other team members. It is prevalent during the updates by more junior folks, albeit happens sometimes with more senior guys as well(especially to those who are more shy by nature). Is there something should be done? What is the most "politically correct" way to send a message , that he has to learn how to listen?

  • 1
    “What is the most "politically correct" way to send a message“ Where are you located? Do any of the individuals belong to protected minority groups?
    – nick012000
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 3:56
  • 1
    I am in USA. No-manager is not in "protected minority group", some teammembers are, but race has "no role" in these dynamics.
    – Jack-Doe
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 3:58
  • 1
    @GregoryCurrie it can be one the root causes , but as i recall "very mild" version of such behavior was also happening in the office.
    – Jack-Doe
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 4:19
  • 1
    Why the down-votes? This seems a perfectly cromulent question.
    – Mawg
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 8:39
  • 3
    @MawgsaysreinstateMonica probably from managers that can't listen and exhibit exact behavior ;-)
    – Jack-Doe
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 12:57

2 Answers 2


It's a bit of a tricky situation.

Unless you are a leader, it's not really your place to "send a message".

If there are more senior people, you should expect them to "stand up for themselves". If they have a problem with being spoken-over, they need to deal with it.

Next time the manager does it to you, it would be appropriate for you to have a private conversation, to ask them not to do it. Maybe they might understand that this particular quirk is frustrating for not just you, but for others.

However, if they are your manager, it's really their prerogative on how meetings work. It's always risky to offer unsolicited advice, so I would refrain from speaking on behalf of the team.


A manager can operate a meeting any way they like within reason. Is everything getting said that needs saying? If it is its just the rudeness you are dealing with, rudeness will have a way of getting him back if he does it everywhere and all the time, so you can let him hang with his own rope. But if not everything is getting said that needs saying, you can bring that up and if he reacts you can then let him know it was his talking over people that prevented it from being communicated effectively, maybe he will then get the message

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