My team builds a notification system and we have designed an integration flow and how to use our system. Earlier this week, we found an issue in our product where it sometimes sent multiple emails instead of one. We have got less than 10 reported cases last week.
We found the root cause and agreed to fix it next week. Yesterday morning, I got an email from the PO that she asked engineers in my team to change the system such that it uses a different mechanism to send the notifications. (I was not aware of this mechanism, which is another issue I will discuss with my team.)
Looking from her perspective, I understand that she wants to mitigate customer impact. However, this hack changes the integration flow between various systems and I have problem with this approach.
- I would like engineers to fix issues properly instead of finding a workaround. I am new to my company but I have learned that people get used to workaround and I want to stop that
- This hack creates an impression that we have fixed the issue when we have not. The behavior might be different when we properly fix the issue and I do not want to explain why it changes again.
I am frustrated and will talk to her this afternoon. I wanted to tell her two things. First, it is not OK to overrule what agreed upon - if she disagrees with me we can talk. Second, I wanted to stop a workaround solution and focus on fixing problems the right way.
How should I approach this meeting and discuss the implications of her actions?