I'm looking for inspirations including courses I could send a colleague to to make him a bit easier for me to work with.
He's been with the company for years, but in my team for a few months. Although he has been with the company for years he has never been promoted and now I can guess why.
The colleague is dedicated and eager to learn new things. The only problem is he tends to lack a bit of... Common sense? Logical thinking? Structured thinking?
- We are in IT and his responsibilities include debugging. He frequently first focuses on the least probable sources of the problem and needs support to identify the simplest, most logical one.
- His communication style is very convoluted. I find it very difficult to understand him. I need to "lead him" by asking him very specific questions to understand what he's trying to tell me
- Also when it comes to the solutions he proposes, they are normally too complex. Sure, in some cases complex solutions are the only ones possible, but normally it's better to focus on the easiest way to achieve a goal and only if that doesn't work, to try the complex one.
- He has problems identifying consequences of decisions. For example, if we have a solution to a minor problem A, a solution which would solve A but create much bigger problems, that's probably not a good solution.
What could help?