Let's say I'm working on a complex task X which involves lots of technical concepts Y that I need to gain in order to achieve that task. I face lots of technical hurdles that beginners might face and an inherent complexity in the task itself.
In other words, even if someone who's a master at Y worked on this task he would still face other complexities that are related to figuring out the task X, to manage problems that result in implementing X itself rather than his skill with Y.
Basically, both X and Y are complex in their own ways.
So when we do a complex task like this successfully and report it to the supervisor, he doesn't show any appreciation or a pat on the back. I think it happens because he's either unaware the complexities or doesn't care about them as long as the task gets accomplished.
Qs: How can I get my boss to tell me a "good job!" or "Wow! That was a pretty challenging task and you did it!"?
How can I get my boss to realize that I did a good job and that the job was complex when all that he can say is "okay good. now you can get on to the next task"?
P.S.: For everyone who's going to say "don't care about appreciation" - NO. Appreciation is important. There are lots of articles about it online (example: https://www.achievers.com/blog/appreciation-in-the-workplace-why-it-matters/)