I started out in a different position at the company I work for. I was promoted in Oct by my boss with an Offer Letter, on company letterhead signed by me. The letter states my salary, various perks and time off after 60 day probationary period which has passed. The exact wording is additionally from the start date listed below 40 hours of vacation and 40 hours of PTO will be granted following a 60 day probationary period in your new position.
The last paragraph says this letter does not constitute an employment contract; rather it outlines the conditions that we will strive to meet during your employment. We will do our best to accommodate all items but bear in mind that we all need to be flexible. We look forward to the continuation of a great relationship with you if you choose to accept.
I accepted by signing.
The company was bought out in Jan and things are falling to pieces. My boss’ position was eliminated last week and this week I was told that I will no longer be doing my job, I will revert back to my original job, my pay will be hourly and a lot less than I was making. Also the offer letter became void when the new company bought us. It was also stated they will take my vacation and PTO away.
Is any of this legal? I’m obviously not happy and am applying for different jobs but don’t know if they can take my time off away. Any advice would be appreciated! I kind of wish they would have eliminated my position so I could’ve been done with them. Is unemployment an option because of the change in pay?
Note: This job is in Virginia.