This question is a bit of a follow up to this Accepting an offer when you've just been given a salary raise previous question which I got some great answers from. I've got given an offer and I have signed it. I should be feeling excited about joining this new company however I'm not because I'm going through an array of emotions such as:
- Guilt - Because my current company is struggling to hire new talent and I know that announcing that I'm resigning will make their situation 10X worse.
- Anxiety - I don't know what to expect at this new company. It's all very new for me, I spoke to my new line manager and he seems great. But again it's the unknown that I'm not sure about.
Recently (2 days ago) I had a quarterly meeting to go over some of my goals etc. I was told that I would have the opportunity to be promoted even further (Principal engineer etc) which includes raises. This sounds great, right? But I keep thinking if I were to stay at my current job I'll still be unhappy because my main reasoning for leaving/looking at jobs early in the year was because:
- I wanted to see what was out there.
- I was becoming too content at my current job and everything I was doing was all too the same I didn't feel challenged.
- I've worked on countless projects and feel that I've offered everything I can from a technical perspective.
Has anyone else felt like this? If so can you share your experience on how to deal with it.