There is a fresh joined candidate in our team and during screen share in a meeting my manager claims to have seen Netflix open in new teammate's browser window. As a result the manager sent me and the new teammate the following email:
I understand that our office was potentially exposed to virus because of opening irrelevant files / websites. Fortunately IT team traced and fixed it. The IT team is still trying to find out the cause behind but as a precaution, please do not click on any email / links which are not related to office work. Please take a serious note of this and do not open any doubtful email irrespective if it is a personal or office laptop connected to our servers.
Also strictly do not use any websites which are not needed during the work – for eg Netflix, gaming websites, hotstar, shopping etc. For further details please refer out IT Policy or you can contact with HR
While I am not defending the new teammate here but the email was sent to me as well with IT in cc. IT might feel it was me or both of us. I have never misused office hours by browsing irrelevant websites or on Netflix etc.
I know the e-mail he sent is wrong on several levels. I just wanted to clarify that "hey it's not me, IT can check my browsing history if in doubt ".
Is it appropriate to reply this way? What is the best way for me to defend myself on the email?