first: a bit of background - I run a team of DB devs, I have a degree in software engineering, I can use python very effectively and have done in several organisations (of similar size and larger). I've just hired a data scientist do some analytical work in my team, they primarily use Python as their scripting language, they start in 4 weeks.
I got IT to install Python (& Anaconda) through visual studio (our IDE for other bits) onto my machine, I tried to pip install a library to warm myself back up and make sure the environment would be suitable for the new hire. Company have blocked the SSL. After asking to unblock the SSL they come back with (effectively);
Python libraries are open source and could have anything in so we need to check it. Once approved we will download it for you.
Things I'm concerned about;
- I've never had to ask to install libraries before.
- it's literally going to add weeks to developing any little POC.
- They are really slow at turning things around.
- The new hire will be put off and leave.
question how do I make the business case to turn their opinions of it around and make them see how the rest of the world do it?