Summary: During 2012-2014 I have held unpaid jobs and two paid gigs. Got fired from one, lasted 4 months at second. I have been employed full-time since 2014. I have not disclosed these two bad jobs on my CV and now applying for a job at a bank. Will that get in the way of background check, can it be cause for termination at the new job?
I have progressed through the interview stages through to pre-employment background check for a big 4 bank.
Below is a snapshot of my background
2012-2014: Largely did unpaid jobs but held couple of brief paid (full-time) jobs that did not go well.
2014 onwards: Have held proper full time jobs with large companies
My query is in relation to the brief full time jobs I held. Unfortunately these jobs did not go well for me
Job-1 with a small firm (held for a month in 2012)
- Was let go because of poor performance. Burned some bridges too. Hence do not have any service letter or people who can give reference. Only payslips
Job-2 with a small firm (held for 4 months in 2013)
- This was a bad, unethical company that I became fed up with and resigned impromptu. Again do not have service letter or references. Only payslips.
Due to these issues, I chose to omit these jobs from my resume and background check (BGC) application and cover the gap with unpaid internship. The resume and BGC application looks like follows
- 2012-2014: Unpaid internships
- 2014 onwards: Full time jobs
My questions are:
The background check agency is verifying last 10 years employment and has taken my SSN and other identification documents (passport, DL etc). Would they be able to detect my paid employment? I have mentioned in the BGC application and resume that I did unpaid internships between 2012-2014.
If I do clear the checks and join the bank, can they fire me if they come to know from someone about the paid employments?
I know in an ideal world, I should have disclosed the jobs but my unfortunate situation prevented me from highlighting those.
Thanks for your help. I am quite restless and your help will be appreciated