I have been working for a small business for 15 years on a part-time basis. Over the years I have seen a considerable turnover of staff, some of which I believe has been down to my boss (business owner), who drives staff to burnout and then hires new staff when they quit. I have stayed because the stress has been manageable as a part-time worker and the hours and location suit me.
Recently another part-time colleague and I were offered a management role and a small but not insignificant pay rise after our manager departed. However, our original roles were never replaced and the business has been beset by illness over the past months. This has resulted in both of us having no choice but to cover our previous (essential for day-to-day) roles and in fact working overtime covering for others. At most, our new role (40 hours combined) gets around 8 hours attention from us each week.
We have raised the need for more staff with our boss on numerous occasions with statistics. He does not believe or wishes to not believe we are short-staffed.
Unfortunately I can see myself also heading to burnout. I can see that many of our team are the same, so while I ask them to contribute overtime shifts, I feel a responsibility to also take many myself to share the burden. (For clarity, we get time back in lieu for overtime work, which causes an endless cycle of more cover needed if we can ever get to take it.)
How can I go about conveying the staffing crisis to my boss in a way he will respond favourably to? Since burnout would likely lead to my resignation anyway, are there any ‘drastic measures’ I can utilise to try to preserve my contracted job and our team?
Edit: Thank you for your responses, I’ve read all of them. Your perspective has really helped me evaluate what I’m doing.