I think one of my clients (let's call him Stan) is actually doing client work for someone else (let's call him Fred) (who I thought was their business partner), and holding my work out to be their own and charging even more for it.
I am a developer with a pretty strong software development background - I've been doing it professionally for about ten years now, use most industry best practices - I would probably rate myself at senior dev level (I know several backend and frontend frameworks, use multiple languages "fluently", know OOP well, devops such as Docker & Kubernetes, etc). Stan, in contrast, kinda sorta knows HTML, and kinda sorta knows how how a database works. Basically what I am trying to lay out here is that the experience differential between myself and Stan is very, very, very high.
But also it seems like it could be enough to fool a non-technical client that he knows what he's doing.
Stan has said a few odd things to me in the past couple months that have set off some red flags (getting upset with me for putting "training for Stan" on the invoice to Fred) then mentioning that he's not sure that Fred knows the nature of Stan and I's business relationship, mentioning something of what Fred pays him (which is substantially higher than what I've been paid by Fred to date), and that Fred pays Stan to be his "website manager" - despite the fact that the actual non-code work on Fred's site is relatively trivial - putting in a few class descriptions (maybe 10-15 per year, of maybe 5-10 lines each) and running a report every once in a while.
I even send my invoices to Stan, who forwards them to Fred who pays them.
So as far as I can tell, Stan is trying to claim my work as essentially his, or make me seem like some assistant to his, even though I'm doing virtually all of the work on these sites, and I have been training and teaching him.
My problem is - how do I deal with this? Do I address it with Stan? Do I send an email behind Stan's back to Fred, asking for a discreet discussion to figure out what he thinks is going on? I do have his email and we have corresponded briefly in the past (over some credentials that only he had)
I am just completing a fairly big site migration for them, so this is something of a thorny issue for me as the project went quite over time for me, and I have so far been eating that time, but if Stan is essentially going to get a huge chunk of money for this site, and I am going to get quite a bit less... even though I did about all of the work - that doesn't really sit very well with me. Especially if I've essentially been training him to con this other guy, Fred, when he's mostly just a middle man.