I started a new job as an accounting trainee. It's a YDP (young development program) in Sudan. It targets new graduates to give them insight about work life. I have a supervisor but she is so unhelpful in terms that if I ask about something I don't know (and I'm the type of person to ask so many questions to understand the full picture), she would immediately answer with "Don't you know that already from school?".
So a few weeks later I stopped asking her even though I don't understand the system fully and everything just seems super complicated. The problem here is that she's leaving in a few days for her annual vacation and she's leaving me and I truly feel like unable to handle this job on my own. The stress of messing up or just looking like a complete idiot is haunting me. I just feel super lost and kind of depressed.
I also feel like I graduated college with zero knowledge in my head since the system and the works just all look weird to me. That's why I feel am not fit for the job.
Do you have any tips that can help me cope through that period, anything that can calm me down?