This answer is not intended to oppose imtaar's answer. I agree that it can be appropriate to do so; but this answer questions whether it's going to actually help you achieve your goal.
What makes you expect that the headhunters who send you clearly incompatible offers or who don't read your profile are going to both read and respect your filters? This is really what it boils down to. Don't get me wrong, I've toyed with a similar idea in the past; but it just doesn't add up when you think about it.
It is the nature of the beast that since we (the employees) are not the ones paying the headhunters, that the headhunters aren't incentivized to please us (other than superficial pleasantries and luring tactics).
A headhunter's goal is to hunt heads, i.e. finding warm bodies for the vacancies that these paying customers (i.e. companies) want to fill. A good fit is better than a bad fit, because the longevity of a recruitment is generally reflects well on the recruitment effort. But when push comes to shove, a bad fit is better than no fit at all.
I don't mean to demonize headhunters. Some of them genuinely care about the people too. So let's put them on a spectrum. On the one end of the spectrum, they want everybody to be happy and comfortable (let's call this end A); one the other end they're just looking for warm bodies to sign a contract so that they get their recruitment bonus (let's call this end B). As this is a spectrum, headhunters will find themselves somewhere inbetween A and B.
Group A generally wouldn't send you an incompatible offer, except by mistake. These worthless offers are being sent by group B, who don't care about you one iota, they just need you to sign a contract.
You could write your filters, which will always boil down to "please respect this thing that I ask" since that is the actual goal.
Group B won't really care about that. If they've already "lost" your business, then they're still better off shooting their wad anyway because they have nothing to lose.
And that's assuming they read your profile to begin with, which most of them (from personal experience) don't. Over the years, I can just see the email template with placeholders that draw from my profile (name of previous employer, name of city, name of tech stack), proving they just generated some halfway customized message to make me feel like they know my profile.
Group A will read your profile. They may end up realizing that you're not looking for their offer which originally seemed compatible to them. This is exactly what you want to achieve.
However, group A also may end up making inferences about your character (e.g. being guarded or boasting high standards), which may negatively impact any offers that you would've actually been interested in.
Think of it this way: a dating profile inherently entails listing what you're looking for, which can include what you're not looking for. However, there is a turning point here where such an itemized list turns into a list of demands, which can be considered egregious and reflect back on how you are presenting yourself.
If you don't care about that, and you just really want to use any chance you have to filter out anything you're not interested in; then by all means post your filters.
I'm not a pretty woman (by which I mean I'm male), but I'll put good money to bet that virtually all pretty women get all manner of matches and requests from the kind of people who aren't trying to look for a personal match, but who are simply looking for a pretty woman, regardless of what they put in their profile.
If you are the headhunter's equivalent of a pretty woman; then your filters aren't going to stop the offers you actually intend to stop, yet they might negatively impact the offers that would've been extended to you in good conscience.
Personally, this leads me to conclude that any filter is counterproductive, unless you don't quite care how people perceive your filters. Based on your question, I infer that you do care about how this reflects on you; so my advice is to rethink your approach here.