I'm a senior developer at my workplace. A coworker in my sister team… isn't. They're also a textbook help vampire: they face an issue, they don't understand it, they miss the error message, they misdiagnose the issue, they ask people for help (often privately, via video-call), they misunderstand the advice, and they move on to the next person, until finally they stumble upon a misfix that happens to dribble around the original issue.
This approach to problem solving gives me the proverbial red mist — the computer program is telling you right there in plain English what it is that you need to fix, and whatever it is you thought you were doing in this fixup patch has absolutely nothing to do with the suggested fix — to the point where I end up missing the obvious and end up providing incorrect advice. For example, this coworker misconfigured an environment variable, and the program complained about it in very actionable terms. I got so caught up on my coworker's inability to follow basic instructions, I missed the trees for the forest: the correct fix wasn't to adjust that variable, but not to set it at all in the first place.
Unfortunately, being better than this is something that is expected of my role. I'm genuinely trying to help my coworker help themselves by pointing them to the diagnostics and encouraging at least a modicum of critical thinking instead of just spoon-feeding them the answer, though neither approach has really worked. However, their simple presence is now starting to cause irritation in me, and that's... unproductive. I wish I could have a real-time blacklist of people I never want to work with again and have it stick, but life isn't always going to be so accommodating.
So... how can I change this unproductive behavior of mine?