Situation is: I am owner and CEO of a company. We are terminating a young employee. I wish him no ill will but he has been non-performant for several months and had some personality conflicts with others in the company. He has been warned and failed to correct so the decision to fire him is made.
His company PC and Phone I know he uses as his primary devices.
We will collect them and reset the devices but I expect the device would mean a lot if I can leave with him.
Administratively what is the easiest way to grant it to him?
Cost wise I am fine just giving it to him provided we can factory reset the device to ensure all company files are removed.
I understand it is unnecessary and an act of kindness.
I wish to do this so a young man is not left without a job or his PC and Phone.
It was not so many years ago I could see losing my job and then having an unexpected expense would really hurt on a personal finance level and I have no desire to embitter a former employee. Rather I think he would say good things about us even after termination provided it is done properly and value the companies reputation.
Was thinking we could agree to sell it to him for a token sum and deduct it from his last paycheck assuming he agrees to this?
Anyone have a strong motive to not do this? We are in Sweden.