I'm a recent CS grad.
I'm currently building a portfolio website with ASP.Net 5. So far, I've completed registration with email confirmation, login, and partially completed the profile page. The application uses Ajax to avoid doing that new page load for every single edits. I plan on implementing pages like Home, About, Resume, Contact, Blogs, etc. with some parts of it that only accounts with administrative access (admin already implemented) can edit. I can't build a complete social media application because it'd require way too many lines of code and everything is being built ground up without borrowing templates. I did borrow a few boilerplate lines of code for things like uploading pictures and a couple of JS scripts for front-end exclusive tasks.
I think it looks fairly impressive for something that I spent less than a month working on and coding ASP.Net for the first time, while working a full-time job. The design is sleek. The code is neat. I haven't detected any bugs. I've tested each functionalities extensively. And I'm learning a lot as I develop. I'm also getting quite a bit of practice with front-end designs using bootstrap.
But I've looked through other people's portfolio websites. All of them look very simple. No server-side functionalities. Most of their sites' contents look like they were written in static HTML pages. Or maybe they used some sort of a website design service.
Am I wasting my time with my portfolio website? I'm worried that employers will just glance at it without checking out the server-side functionalities baked into it. Or that it might even harm my employment prospects (maybe employers prefer simple portfolio websites or projects that have more specific utility other than showcasing coding skills?).
I'm worried that employers will just glance at it
- yes, employers will have a huge stack of resumes and portfolios to get through. Assume they will spend about 5 seconds looking at it. If you can't get your point across in that amount of time, you made it too complicated.