We have just been through a round of redundancies at the company I work for.
One colleague, who I had argued with frequently, took what I believe to be voluntary redundancy. I have been told by a third colleague that he sent a parting email saying that he had complained to HR about my demanding behaviour and encouraged others to do so.
I now suspect he was pushed rather than jumped. He was underperforming, but he maintained strong social connections outside of my department, so I can assume he has told everyone including the chief executive.
I feel like this poisoning of the well will impact my progression in the company. What can I do to fix this?
I’m a Canada based employee of a US company. My colleague is in the US.
Further context:
- I was not their manager, but I have accountabilities that fell under their remit.
- I was not copied in the email.
- I have not heard from HR or my manager about the complaint.
- 3rd party is a very close friend I had prior to joining the company. If they have told me about the email, it exists and they believe it should be on my radar.