I have an intense job where we have 20 things going at the same time, all of them urgent, most of them late, and new ones falling down the skies each day. I am a mid-level software engineer and my boss is even busier than me, like times 10.
I am quite independent on the day-to-day stuff, but for let's say the "bigger decisions" I sometimes need his opinion. This is due to a few things: he has more experience and better judgment (obviously), and if I fully decide on things, usually what happens is, he won't care at the time but a month from now he will absolutely grill me for doing it in a way that is not exactly the way he would want it. Mind you, the way he would want it is like an RNG without seed, depending on how he feels at a particular point in time.
What makes it more difficult is, during the day when I go to him, he is super busy and often stressed due to the fact, and it results in me hearing a mouthful. I am "used to" this by now, but this can still be very disheartening. The thing is, if he has some time and peace of mind, he is like a different person; much more reachable, listens, etc.
Honestly, I've tried but I am not sure how I navigate this... My best bet is, to not go to him as much as possible, but sometimes that's just not possible.
Edit: The main question is, how to work with a manager who is often unavailable, and when available tends to be judgmental of the work, etc.? This is only the case when he is stressed/overloaded. He tries to get it over with without giving me time to properly explain and for him to understand which leads to a chaotic discussion which he leads.
I am not concerned that these affect me badly, because in my performance reviews (the only time we actually have some time to be calm and talk), he admits these himself too, and I get very good reviews.
My concern is to keep getting the work done, but at times there are decisions I can't make.
What I tried already: Weekly/bi-weekly sitdowns in the calendar, but quite often there will be some "urgent" he has to take a look at and we don't do it. Emails (doesn't use the internal IM) to ask to come whenever he could, can easily take a week...
He is super nice normally, and I want to be able to interrupt his day without being detrimental to either one of us. Haven't been successful yet!.. If it matters, it's a large company in Europe.
Also, I don't know if there is an objective answer to this question, perhaps not... That's fine too. Regarding my comment, I think we can be a bit more open to questions that are not perfect. At the very least, please leave a comment on the reason that made you feel this way.