A situation like this has been happening.
The most senior (say the dean of a faculty or a manager of a company) of the workplace, kind of likes to receive gifts. When there are new members, she looks for a chance and shows her gifts to some others, appreciating those gifts and those who gave them, in front of those new members. She does it with implications in her gestures towards the new members, as if to encourage them – this I can’t explain further because it’s just something which is happening, and not very explicable.
Most of the time, the new members get motivated to give her gifts themselves too. Especially, as she is the dean, they think it might also positively affect their career. Very rarely, (if the new member is very hard up with money only) they will not do so at once.
So she kind of emotionally drives the members to do something she likes. What is this behavior called? I want to know the word which we can use to describe such behaviour, because I need to explain a similar behaviour to explain something important at the workplace, but I can’t use the above example related to gifts.
I'm new to such behaviours at workplaces. So I don't know whether there is a specific word we can use to identify such behaviour (like for instance the word for "malicious talk about someone who is not present" is "backbiting").
Also, is this type of behaviour common in work places?