This question is a followup of another question I asked a month back: How can I handle too many expectations at a job I recently joined?
What has happened since then?
As expected, I have been given a lot of workload since the past 3-4 weeks. It has been a steep learning curve. I have to figure out most of the things on my own and work under tight deadlines as the boss is too busy himself to handhold me. Even when I somehow catch him for some questions, his responses are always too hurried and he mostly just gives me bare minimum suggestions / hints and rest I have to figure out myself. I have been working 10+ hours almost every day since last 3-4 weeks. Then also I am barely able to keep up with the deadlines till now. I am finishing my lunch in 15 minutes, and working longer hours than my other colleagues who work in a different project. I have tried to give subtle hints to my manager about my workload and tight deadlines but he says the company is having lack of resources and I have to somehow compensate for it. He says the company is trying to hire new resources. He also starts to whine about how his own workload is very high and he has to work 12 hours a day to keep up with things.
When I see my other colleagues who work in other projects, their life is much more relaxed. They arrive to the office later than me and leave earlier than me. I have already started to dread work days and feel that by working too hard I am increasing my manager's expectations and burning out myself. What should I do in such situation. One suggestion which workaholic people might give is to keep working hard a I myself am new in this job so as to develop a good impression on my manager. The other suggestion is could be to not work extra hours and deliberately let some deadlines get missed / extended so as to not further increase my manager's expectations. Or some other option which someone could suggest. And what if the manager becomes too confronting and says I don't want any excuse and you have to anyhow complete the tasks within the given deadline? Thanks.