
Follow-up on Questions #1 and #2

Please read this carefully, I am surprized by some of your answers. The 3 way meeting that I requested was cancelled by the same colleague multiple times and it never happened.

I had asked HR to resend my job application to my manager, which they did. However, my manager canceled the three-way meeting he had promised and then went on an unknown leave from the company(we do not know when he will be back).

As a result, I was left without an answer regarding my application. Subsequently, an employee (Employee Z) was promoted to handle my manager's responsibilities during his leave. Employee Z came to me and informed me that the company had decided to end my contract earlier than expected (giving two weeks notice). When I questioned this, mentioning that I still had two months remaining on my contract, he told me that this was the message he was instructed to deliver. He said that Ms. XYZ had asked him to inform me.

I then sent a message to Ms. XYZ requesting a meeting, but she did not respond. I approached her in person, and she said she was busy and could not meet with me. I explained that it was urgent and that I could not wait until next week, but she insisted that she had no time to meet and she can only let me speak for 5 minutes. She then stated that the company had decided to let me go due to budget constraints. She told me that she could not listen to further concerns and that I should put everything in writing and send it to her.

I complied by putting all my documents into an email and sending it to her, while also cc'ing several individuals in upper management. The following day, Ms. XYZ (company wide)announced that she would be completely stepping away from our project and that Mr. BYZ would now handle all HR-related issues. Since Mr. BYZ was cc'd in my email, he replied, advising me to report the issue to the HR Integrity Group within the company.(manager advised me to report the incidence to HR)

As of now, I am without a job due to the actions of three individuals within the company. If I report this incident to HR, I am concerned that they may blacklist my future job applications. The company is large, and I have been applying to other departments within it. What should I do now? I would really like to provide my evidence and show their unfaithful decision and their abusive behavior over the past 1.5 year. What do I do in this situation?

I know I am not working with these people, but I am also very disturbed by them and mistreated for 1.5 year. I would like to report them before my leave.

  • It doesn’t appear you took any of the feedback or any advice you received from this community to heart. Your contract was not renewed and there is nothing you can do about that. Your previous questions didn’t mention any abusive behavior. You probably don’t have to worry about being black listed due to behavior you haven’t yet done. It’s clear based on the description you provided they were unhappy with your work. You seem upset others were promoted and most definitely bitter about not the job you applied to, it’s good your passionate about the job, but you must not display so much emotion.
    – Donald
    Commented Nov 29 at 5:48
  • @Donald, Last year, they renewed my contract. Why are they only now unhappy with my work? Why have they always provided positive feedback and never raised any issues about my performance? even now they did not argue about my performance even I asked them to come and have meeting with me they just cancelled the performance meeting
    – nikki
    Commented Nov 29 at 5:55
  • There are many reasons the company do not want to renew your contract, which may have nothing to do with your job performance, skills, or work ethics. For example, they could find someone else who can work for less money, or the company decide to cut cost because they lose profit or want to invest more money on other more profitable products, etc... Commented Nov 29 at 6:35
  • they advertised my role, and they are in the process of hiring someone, they just delaying the hiring process to make me leave first
    – nikki
    Commented Nov 29 at 6:40
  • 1
    @nikki - I would ask them. They don’t have to hire you. You are a contractor. They don’t have to get rid of you before they hire someone else, in fact they could keep you on for another 2 months, and ask you to train the permanent employee if they wanted. Last year doesn’t matter this year they didn’t renew. Your last question suggested they wanted a new performance review. So did that review happen, your last question, hinted you didn’t even want to hold it.
    – Donald
    Commented Nov 29 at 8:04

2 Answers 2


What should I do now?

Let it go: they don't want you, so you need to look forward and focus on your next adventure.

If I report this incident to HR, I am concerned that they may blacklist my future job applications.

They already may have. You made quite the spectacle out of this and no one wants drama. What makes you think HR doesn't already now about it? HR typically handles contracts and terminations.

I would like to report them before my leave?

What for? What do you expect would happen? Chances are the powers at be are well aware of how this went down and are ok with it. It sounds a bit like there is major reshuffling happening anyway, so your story is unlikely to make any difference.

  • As a contractor we are not in contact with HR, I am hired by a third party company to work for this company. We do not have acess to the internal HR, Internal HR is for their employees. Commented Nov 29 at 7:38
  • 1
    @programmer_smart - As a contractor you essentially demanded a meeting with your boss or their boss or even someone with the authority to cancel your contract. As long as the individuals you alienate are around I wouldn’t count on coming back.
    – Donald
    Commented Nov 29 at 8:11
  • @Donald, what do you mean? could you please read the story properly? you are not clear
    – nikki
    Commented Nov 29 at 15:05
  • 2
    @nikki - I actually did read the story properly.
    – Donald
    Commented Nov 29 at 16:04

Complaining won't solve your problem.

You better spend that time to look another opportunity rather than complaining.

  • It will not solve my problem, but I can let the others know their intention, and I am pretty sure they can be fired in the future.
    – nikki
    Commented Nov 29 at 4:45
  • @nikki "I am concerned that they may blacklist my future job applications." It is your loss in either situation. Commented Nov 29 at 4:49
  • 1
    They gave me 15 days notice, it is not immediate, my contract was renewed last year, I am working for them for 2 years, please do not reply if you do not know the answer.
    – nikki
    Commented Nov 29 at 5:57
  • 4
    @Nikki Not liking the answer doesn't mean it isn't good advice. Devote your energy to improving your future, rather than obsessing over your past.
    – Player One
    Commented Nov 29 at 7:15
  • 2
    @nikki A very important life lesson to learn is that you cannot control other people. Commented Nov 29 at 8:43

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