This is a rather complicated story that I will try to keep as brief as possible.
Basically, I was hired by a company right out of school last year into a more senior position that included senior position salary, with a verbal agreement from HR that I needed to sit for a specialty certification exam within one year of my hire date.
6 months in, my boss and her supervisor sat me down to tell me that HR stated I needed to sit for said exam within 6 months, which was written in my contract (again, see verbal agreement above-yep, know I should've asked for it in writing). My salary was cut by 20% and I was told that it would go back to the previous salary once I passed the exam, which is only given twice a year. During this whole ordeal, I was trying to buy a house and lost financing once my pay was cut. I requested a letter from HR stating that my salary would be going back up once I was certified and they gave me a very abrupt "no".
So naturally I got a new job and am leaving this current position in a couple weeks. Co-workers keep asking me why I'm leaving, and for the most part I'm giving a very generic "time to move on". My immediate supervisor leaked the reason and now people are angry and confronting her supervisor about the unfairness of the situation. I was called into her office and chewed a new one today, accused of "stirring the pot" and fueling the rumor mill in an already turbulent company. She told me I had 2 weeks to "fix this false rumor" that I had spread (problem is, there is nothing false about the rumor nor did I spread it, which I told her) because she is afraid of losing more staff.
I love this job, my co-workers, and really hoped to use this place as a reference in the future, but now I'm wondering if I should ever speak to these people again. What should I do? How can I save face when I really feel rather innocent here?