I am a software developer and I have worked at this company for over a year. This is my first job.
I am the only developer on this project and there is a project manager beside me who doesn't have so much technical knowledge or time for answering my questions. The project didn't have any documentation. I had to learn everything about work on my own so far. At some point, I feel that I stuck to the same things. I am saying this because there is no one in the company who could help me to solve this problem.
Recently, they said me that they want me to have more responsibility and make decisions about new versions of the product. For example, they'd like me to decide which technology would be best to use. I don't have that knowledge or experience. I can research on the internet, but I don't have time to learn all of the possible technologies in-depth and compare them because of my current work load.
I think that if I undergo training, it might be helpful and give me the time to learn things I need to know. How should I bring the subject up to my employer? Should I research about possible training courses first, or ask for training and wait my boss to decide?
Of course, I can say that I can't take the responsibility, but that could mean that I miss possible opportunity to improve myself and go forward. What should I do in this situation? If anyone else had similar experience I would appreciate if they share what they did.
edit: I looked this question.