How do people who have knowledge of coding and scripting languages, but no work experience with them get jobs that seek those skills? I do have a computer science degree, but that was last decade. I'm not really looking for software engineering positions, as those remain fierce. Something to supplement automated testing, black box/backend testing, or anything that requires scripting and looking at code.
These days, I've applied for a couple that look for knowledge, only to end up being told they want someone with experience (then why not say 'x' # years of experience then!?). As I've got nothing to lose, I've also applied to positions that look for low level of experience. I've heard of folks last decade who were able to get programming positions by studying it themselves with no IT related degree whatsoever. Has the landscape changed now?
How does one "bs" and get your foot into the door into an interview? I was thinking of making an Android app, or putting up sample code on GitHub (but even then, I've heard they want more than just a few hundred or few thousand lines of code... they're more so interested on you working on large-ish projects, but those often have a waitlist)
I'd imagine during the phone interview, hopefully they'll ask you technical questions so you can demonstrate your skills. I've heard of some interviewees even instruct phone interviewers how to set up a Google Docs link so you won't have to describe over the phone what your code will look like. Have any of you been asked to "write" code over the phone? I'd gander it'd be more so simpler questions like how to read in files using C++ or Python, what's the command to switch root passwords in Unix,
If in-person, that's more straightforward, as you can now view and write stuff down. Has it been necessary to get almost everything right, or do they just want to make sure you're not a completely clueless hack who's only experience with a programming or scripting language is reading up a Wikipedia entry?
EDIT1: I'm currently learning Python through Google's courses on YouTube. Is that sufficient for many employers? Do I need to be able to submit source code for some software like a Blackjack program, or do they need to see contributions to an individual or group GitHub project?