I have applied for Job A at some large company, that has a lot of job offers in the region and field that I am interested in. I have already been to the first interview and made it to the second round of interviews. It is scheduled in about three weeks. If they offer me the job, I will probably take it.
However, as I will soon graduate, I want to continue my job hunt and, as this company has a lot of interesting jobs, I would prefer their Job B over a lot of others in different companies. As this company is large, the HR persons handling Job A and Job B are different, the departments are different, and the offices are at different places (though not too far from each other).
I can think of the following alternatives on how to proceed:
- Wait for the final decision for Job A and then decide how to proceed.
- Apply for Job B and inform all people involved of this step - in particular inform my point of contact for Job A that the new application is not to be interpreted as a lack of interest in Job A.
- Apply for Job B without mentioning anything.
Are items 2 and 3 acceptable at all? What is the best approach such that I do not seem to be not caring enough about Job A, but that on the other hand, do not lose too much time?
Edit: They use an online application system, where at least I can see all my open applications - I have however no clue who else can and will access this kind of information.