My boss called me into his office and happened to have his computer screen on showing the other supervisors salaries (4 total). I have the most supervisor seniority, but I am paid the 3rd lowest. I talked to the HR manager today, he looked up my salary and stated that I was a level 2 and was about $5000-6000 below the minimum for my level. That being said, he is going to try to bring me up "closer" to the level's minimum.
Guess my question would be is there anything else I can do to have my salary up to the level's minimum? I don't think in the legal sense there is anything (back pay, etc..) but it just seems a little unethical to me; especially after I was told (by HR) that they know my old boss went out of his way to screw me over and give me bad reviews. My old boss has since been moved. Any insight would be appreciated.