This isn't my first time resigning a job, just the first from such a strange place . . . My workplace is highly disorganized and the leadership not very clear-cut. My group has a couple "task masters" who are functionally on the same level as our actual supervisors without actually being titled such. The supervisors are in turn under a manager. None of these people are ever very accessible and whenever a work-related question arises it's not only not clear whose attention it should be brought to, but typically takes multiple requests to get any assistance from them.
I want to give my 2-week notice with the most professional and favorable impression possible, but given how hard it is to find anyone to talk to and never knowing who is going to be on-site when, doing so in person would be basically impossible. Would a well-written notice by email suffice? And is it enough to inform just my immediate supervisor, or should it be copied to the other "supervisors" as well?
Thank you for any help . . .