Disclaimer: This answer is given with a US mindset. The OP is from India, where companies commonly arrange transport for their employees.
I know this isn't the answer you are looking for, but
You don't.
I have never once heard of a company paying for the cost of their employees' daily commute. Part of choosing a company and choosing where to live is determining how long your commute is. I know people who drive 2-3 hours each way to get to and from work and are fine with that. I left a job, in part, because my hour long drive was too much for me.
It was your choice to live so far from the office, not the company's. If your commute is wearing on you, then it is up to you to find and pay for a solution, not your company. Between the 10 of you, you should be able to come up with an alternative. Like aProgrammer, I recommend looking into splitting cabs or carpooling if you don't want to take public transit.