Long story short is that I've been looking to advance my career where I have almost 9 years of professional experience and was in interviews with a company to move into what seemed like that "next" role.
Everything seemed to be going well as we talked about that position with several higher-ups at that company. However when I received an offer from the company it was for a different position with much less required experience and skill. But the confusing part was that the salary offered is significantly higher than my current salary. Much more than I've ever seen switching companies and WAY more than I'd expect to just keep doing basically the same stuff. The attached job description for the position they offered only required 2 years experience while what I was going for was asking 5+.
So with the really low requirements of that job compared to the salary they offered I'm really confused if they intended those documents or if the wrong position was accidentally attached.
But what if I'm grossly overestimating my own competence? The interviews for the position seemed to be very positive without any hint of them wondering if I'd be able to do that job.
I want to email either the recruiter or the HR person who sent the email and ask, but I don't want to come off like I'm arrogant and asking how dare they offer me the position that is so obviously beneath me.
Am I overthinking this and it's perfectly alright to send a simple email asking "Hey, I just got this offer for X but I thought we had been talking about Y? Did you really mean to offer X when it's so much less senior than Y?"
What's a good way for me to approach clarifying this? If it really is the less senior position I probably wouldn't take the offer since it would come with the same career dissatisfaction, but how do I do that politely without sounding like a jerk who first didn't think they were serious about their offer then went "Oh...ok. Uh...no thanks." when they said they were? Am I overthinking that as well?