At my current job we have two corporate offices, one in the town where I went to university and the other right next to a major city. Since I've now graduated and begun a full time position I plan to move to this city and begin working at the other office.
Whenever I tell a local colleague about this decision I am met with something like, "Why would you want to leave here?" or "What's wrong with this region?". It seems like people are offended that I don't want to settle down and live where they do.
How can I handle this in a professional manner? I get this question almost every day and simply saying, "I only lived here for school" doesn't seem like an appropriate response.
Reasons for the move include:
- More things to do in the new area
- My long term girlfriend would love to move and hates where we live (stating this is typically met with imitation whip cracking)
- Better job opportunities for both of us
- Closer to friends and family
the list goes on and on
EDIT: I haven't been using the family line because most people here know that my parents live on the other side of the country. I only have a few relatives that I'm close to in the area and would like to avoid discussing them.
Also, people have not been yelling but have asked these questions with a particular tone that clearly conveys their displeasure/feelings of offense.
I don't have the option to avoid telling people because the move will have an impact on my current project and since the decision was made word has travelled fast, a.k.a. the cats out of the bag.