I work in a couple of IT departments, and often I'll end up doing my email from home. Usually, this ends up being when I'm bored and/or waiting for something else - usually for my coding assignments to finish building. Oftentimes, this ends up being very late - maybe 10 or 11 PM, sometimes even after midnight. (I'm a night-owl.) I've gotten some responses from supervisors that are (good-natured, but still critical) remarks on the timestamps of the emails, and I want to get some external opinions on how after-hours emailing should be handled in a few situations I usually find myself in. I have the option of doing a delayed send through my email client(s), but I'm not 100% sure when I should or shouldn't be using it.
- Suppose I'm emailing an indirect supervisor after-hours and they respond from a mobile device shortly thereafter. We engage in a conversation, but it ends up getting to around 10 PM or so, and my (research-laden) response isn't finished until 11ish. Should I set my responses to not send until the next morning, shortly before my supervisor arrives?
- Suppose I'm emailing a customer with regards to something that I completed near the end of business that day, but forgot to email them about when it occurred. Should I delay my response until the start of business hours, so that I don't have the possibility of disturbing their evening?
- Suppose I get an email from a customer or external contractor after-hours that will inevitably (but not immediately) need a response on my part and/or forwarding to my supervisor(s). Should I do this at my leisure, or only once I'm back in the office?