This is a continuation of a question I asked last week found here:
Bankrolled my way to lead developer, does this count as experience?
Two years ago, me and a couple online friends decided to write our own custom flavor of Linux based off of Debian. I personally bankrolled the project, and learned a lot from it, mostly website design, linux proficiency, and project leadership. I ran the website, owned the server space, and was the admin of the IRC and Reddit.
However, about two months into this project, we received a "Cease and Desist" from another project that had trademarked the name we were using. Most of the lower contributors ended up bailing, and I eventually decided to remove all traces from the web to avoid any legal issues. At this time I was still in highschool, and didn't have the know power or money to see it through. We ended up releasing 1 .iso before we went under. I learned a lot from that project, and now that I'm working in the Computer Engineering field, I want to make it a proper entry in my resume.
When I was getting interviewed for my current internship, one of the interviewers expressed a lot of interest in the project, but was disappointed when I told him that I took everything down. How can I represent on my resume that I HAD to take it down due to legal issues? I obviously have the knowledge, and the memory of the project, but I just don't have any proof that I'm legally allowed to show.
Edit, added the link to past question