I'm an architect and very outgoing, but got tired of the same old same old with architecture firms. I picked up a new Architectural Sales job in Brooklyn and I will be transfering over from Chicago to Brooklyn in 1 month. I'm extremely excited for the new position and I think I will excel at it because of my strong communication skills.
Hiring process
It was supposed to be a two part interview, one over the phone and one in person. Apparently I did extremely well over the phone so they hired me after the first phone interview without an in-person interview. I was a little hesitant because I think office atmosphere and meeting face to face are important in a job search. However, I thought it was a great opportunity so I accepted the job.
Current issue
I still work for a firm in Chicago and my new boss was in town for one day working on a project here. He suggested I should come for breakfast then over to the job site, but warned me that he was giving the architect some bad news, so things might get murky. That is all the information I was given. I agreed to meet him for breakfast and take time off my work schedule at my current job to finally meet my new boss. What I wasn't ready for when I went to breakfast was that the architect was there among other consultants. It immediately felt like a business meeting and I felt a little like I was cheating on my current employer, even though I am resigning soon for the new position. I wasn't aware of what the 'murky' situation was so after exchanges some pleasantries, I remained as an onlooker to the conversation since I had no training on the job and was absolutely out of the loop with the project. We headed over to the job site after breakfast, where I then excused myself after a short time to get back to work.
The next day, my new boss called me telling me he was really disappointed in my performance and he didn't want me to "blend in with the wallpaper." Then his partner, who was also at the meeting asked if the size of the project intimidated me. I got the feeling he doesn't know that I didn't start yet since he knew nothing about me. To make matters a bit more complex, my new boss calls me a lot during the work day, with no regard for my current job.
I tried explaining that I wanted to take a backseat approach since I had no background on both the client or the project, unfortunately he didn't seem too pleased with that response.
Is my new boss being unreasonable? Should I reiterate to him that I am still working in Chicago and can't always take his calls during work? I am still extremely excited for the job, and understand the importance of first impressions, but throwing me in a meeting with an angry client can't possibly be the best way to meet me the first time.