I perform work for a company with somewhat frequent travel requirements. I intend to put in my two weeks notice next Thursday, the 31st of Dec. This would make my final day Thursday, Jan 14th; I'm hoping for a long weekend before starting at the new position.
There is currently a trip scheduled that I may be asked to travel for on the 11th that would span until the 15th, the day after the end of my two week period.
Would it be inappropriate/unprofessional to either ask that I return home that Thursday (which would put a decent amount of burden on my coworkers as they'd have to drive me back to the airport) or offer to work that day as a contractor at a certain rate for the day (I believe a fair/competitive rate would put the day at $800 + expenses)?
Ideally my solution would be to not go on the trip, but that would likely be seen as shirking my work duties, as I am still an employee of the company during the two weeks.