Based on questions like this, what is a good recourse to take if a company handbook does disallow discussing wages? If you start a new job and the company handbook or policy says that you are not to discuss your wages with co-workers, what is the best way to handle that? (US Labor laws explicitly say that is something that can be done.)
From this AskAManager question:
The National Labor Relations Act says that employers cannot prevent employees from discussing wages and working conditions among themselves. The idea is that employees need to be free to organize, and preventing them from discussing these topics would prevent them from organizing.
Is it better to just ignore the handbook? To challenge it? To follow it as long as conditions are ok and you're not considering a union anyway? To point out that the policy goes against labor law?
And if it were to be challenged, what is the best way to approach that? I'm pretty sure that doing it as a new hire is not the best time or place.