A potential client wants me to design promotional material for an event. However, in their initial solicitation, they said they would pay me with a free pass to their event which they claim is "$X value".
I am only interested in this work if I get compensated adequately in money. Not only does their "$X value" not leave much room for negotiating based on how much work it will take (it's not like they can give me 1.5 passes for instance), but I would not have gone to this event anyway, so to me it is $0 value.
I would like to say something like:
I'm interested in the offer but I only work for money, not "$X value" items. Also, I will propose you a pricing after we discuss the project and I can gauge how much work it will be for me.
How can I say this politely? Or should I just decline the offer outright?
How to deal with a company that wants to pay you with items instead of money? is very similar but not very relevant to me, since it concerns a situation where the work has already been done.
they should be able to find a way to convert it to$X
and then give you the money, right? That is what "WORTH" means right? If they are not confident they can make the conversion, then clearly it is worth LESS than$X
by their own valuation.